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Parallel Events

  • Early Career Scientist event (September 20th)
  • This is an event to promote research by younger generations and provide opportunities for networking. In case, you belong to early career scientist category (i.e., student, PhD candidate, or practicing scientist who received their certificate – e.g., BSc, MSc, PhD – within the past five years), please fill the following form.

  • Ocean literacy (September 21st, 19-20.30 hrs GMT-5, Lumbreras Auditorium, UPCH-Miraflores)
  • An evening lecture open to the general public that will place scientific issues within the reach of the audience. If you want to participate in person (on site), please, fill the following form.

    Note that there is a limited number of participants (maximum number 100). See the programme here.

  • Executive Panel (September 22nd)
  • In this event decision makers and academia will present a summary of the conference and discuss the highlights for the sustainability of EBUS and the ecosystem services they provide.

    If you want to participate in person (on site), please, fill the following form.

  • Night of videos (September 23rd, 19-20.30 hrs GMT-5, Lumbreras Auditorium, UPCH-Miraflores)
  • This event will present the winners of the contest 'Engaging science and society in marine and coastal ecosystems within the EBUS’, which is organized globally in the categories of children, youth and organized citizenship. The objective is to promote, through videos, the different initiatives that seek to disseminate, raise awareness and encourage the conservation of marine and coastal ecosystems within the EBUS. If you want to participate in person (on site), please, fill the following form. Note that there is a limited number of participants (maximum number 100).

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