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Conferencistas Magistrales

The Future of Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems: from observations to management

Francisco Chavez

The Future of Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems: from observations to management

The Benguela System: a short review of what we think we know and what we need to fill the gaps.

Jennifer Veitch

The Benguela System: a short review of what we think we know and what we need to fill the gaps.

Land-Sea Interactions in Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems

John Largier

Land-Sea Interactions in Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems

Influence of oxygen dynamics and deoxygenation on EBUS benthos

Lisa Levin

Influence of oxygen dynamics and deoxygenation on EBUS benthos

Alexander von Humboldt in the current scientific discourse

Matthias Wolff

Alexander von Humboldt in the current scientific discourse

Improving fisheries modelling in the face of climate change: some examples from the Benguela and Peru Upwelling Ecosystems

Ricardo Oliveros

Improving fisheries modelling in the face of climate change: some examples from the Benguela and Peru Upwelling Ecosystems

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